Editorial | August long challenge 2020 | Video Editorial|video solution

Editorial | August long challenge 2020 | Video Editorial|video solution
Editorial of Codechef August long challenge 2020 Video Editorial|video solution
Beginer friendly Editorial

  1. Subsequence Frequency Counting: SUBSFREQ
    SUBSFREQ | August long challenge | 2020 | Subsequence Frequency Counting | Codechef | Solution Code - YouTube

  2. Chef and Wedding Arrangements: CHEFWED
    CHEFWED | August long challenge | 2020 | Chef and Wedding Arrangements | Codechef | Solution Code - YouTube

  3. Smallest KMP : SKMP
    SKMP | August long challenge | 2020 | Smallest KMP | Codechef | Solution Code - YouTube

  4. Another Card Game Problem: CRDGAME3
    CRDGAME3 | August long challenge | 2020 | Another Card Game Problem | Codechef | Solution | Code - YouTube

  5. Chef and Linear Chess: LINCHESS
    LINCHESS | August long challenge | 2020 | Chef and Linear Chess | Codechef | Solution | Code - YouTube

  6. Chef Wars - Return of the Jedi: CHEFWARS
    CHEFWARS | August long challenge | 2020 | Chef Wars - Return of the Jedi | Codechef | Solution Code - YouTube

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bro try to provide detailed explanation of your code.I watched your video of subsequence frequency, and your explanation of the code disappointed me. Try to provide the logic behind the lines written in your code.It will be more helpful


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