Editorial - GIFTSHOP

Problem Link - Link

Author - Rishabh Verma
Tester - Hemant Singh
Editorialist - Rishabh Verma

Difficulty :- Easy

Problem -
You have given three point on number line x,a,b . You have to tell which point a or b is nearest to x . Note if both point are at same distance consider a as nearest .

Explanation -
Calculate absolute difference of x,a and x,b by the formula abs(x-a) & abs(x-b) respectively and now compare and output the answer .

My Solution -

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	int t; cin>>t;
	    int x,a,b;
    	cin >> x >> a >> b;

   		a = abs(x - a);
    	b = abs(x - b);

    	if(a <= b) cout << "A" << endl;
    	else cout << "B" << endl;
	return 0;