Editorial - Kickstarter

A - Zikara making friends

Link - KS21_A

Solution - Just iterate over all the friendly values of zikara friend’s and count how many of them are having friendly value strictly greater than zikara’s friendly value.

Code - CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

B - Trip to Imagica

Link - KS21_B

Solution -

Hint 1 : the number of ways of selecting r items out of n total items is nCr
i.e., nCr = n!/((n-r)!r!)
more optimization can be done ,
(n-1)(n-2)…(n-r-1) / (n-r!)

Hint 2 : Zikara wants to go imagica with her friends, that means she should select (k-1) of her friends to take to the trip.

Hint 3 : so the ans is nC(k-1) , where n is total no.of friends , k is total number of tickets
Note : since n = 15 , n! croses the range of int , so use long long ;

Code - CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

C - Zikara and the paid dinner

Link - KS21_C

Solution -

Code - CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

D - Zikara and the missing number

Link - KS21_D

Solution -

Code - CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

E - Gamer Zikara

Link - KS21_E

Solution -

Code - CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

F - Zikara and Roads

Link - KS21_F

Solution -

Code - CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone