Contest Division 1
Contest Division 2
Contest Division 3
Contest Division 4

Setter: Shivansh Agarwal
Testers: Nishank Suresh and Abhinav sharma
Editorialist: Shivansh Agarwal




Dynamic Programming, Segment Tree


You have an array A containing all the natural numbers from 1 to N twice. Find the number of ordered pairs of disjoint subsequences (P, Q) of A such that they are equal.



  • dp_i :- denote the number of ordered pairs of subsequences (P, Q) that can be formed taking elements from index 0 to i.

  • f_i, s_i :- denote the indices of the first and the second occurrence of A_i.

  • t_i :- denote the number of unordered pairs of subsequences (P, Q) ending at indices f_i and s_i respectively.

Now, let’s say we have already computed dp_{i-1}.

Case 1: If i = f_i,

No additional pair of (P, Q) can be formed by including the element at index i. So we can simply say, dp_i = dp_{i-1}.

Case 2: If i = s_i,

We have to add all the ordered pairs of subsequences (P, Q) ending at f_i and i to dp_{i-1}. So we can say,

dp_i = dp_{i-1} + 2\cdot t_i.

Let’s try to find t_i now. This comprises of 3 parts:

  • Part 1: We can add A_{f_i} and A_i respectively at the end of all the ordered pairs of subsequences (P, Q) formed from indices 0 to f_i - 1.

  • Part 2: We can add A_{f_i} and A_i at the end of all the unordered pairs of subsequences (P, Q) which end at f_x and s_x repectively, such that, 0 \leq f_x < f_i < s_x < i.

  • Part 3: An additional subsequence pair ([A_{f_i}], [A_{s_i}]).

The first part is simply dp_{f_i-1} and as f_i is the first occurrence of A_i, we can also say dp_{f_i-1} = dp_{f_i} (Case 1).

Now, for the second part, you have f_i and i as fixed and you need to sum all the values of t_x where, f_x < f_i < s_x < i. So, let’s say we have maintained an array T (say) till index i-1 with the value t_x at the index of the first occurrence and -t_x at the index of the second occurrence of all the elements having s_x \leq i - 1.

The sum of this array T from j = 0 to j = {f_i - 1} will give us the value of the second part because in case of s_x < f_i, the values t_i and -t_i are simply going to cancel each other out.

For the condition of s_x < i to be fulfilled at all times, we will update the array T only as we iterate over i. We cannot pre-compute the values of T, otherwise, the summation will also include values where f_x < f_i but s_x > i.


T \begin{cases} T_{f_x} = T_{s_x} = 0, & \text{if } i - 1 < s_x\\ T_{f_x} = t_x \text{ and } T_{s_x} = -t_x, & \text{if } i - 1 >= s_x \end{cases}

and, t_i = dp_{f_i} + \sum_{j=0}^{j=f_i-1} T_j + 1.

Finally, we can update the array T as follows:
T_{f_i} = t_i and T_i = -t_i

These range sum and point update queries in T can be handled efficiently using a Segment Tree.

Note: No updates in T were required in Case 1 as i < s_i.


The time complexity is O(N\cdot \log (N)).


Setter's Solution
// author: Shivansh Agarwal
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define fastio ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0)
#define int long long
const int mod = 998244353;

vector<int> T; // Segment Tree
int n;

// 0-indexed 
void modify(int p, int value)
    for (T[p += n] = value; p > 1; p >>= 1)
        T[p >> 1] = (T[p] + T[p ^ 1]) % mod;

int query(int l, int r) //query [l, r)
    int res = 0;
    for (l += n, r += n; l < r; l >>= 1, r >>= 1)
        if (l & 1)
            res = (res + T[l++]) % mod;
        if (r & 1)
            res = (res + T[--r]) % mod;
    return res;

int32_t main()
    int tt;
    cin >> tt;
    while (tt--)
        cin >> n;
        n *= 2;
        // Segment Tree T for range sum queries and point updates
        T.resize(2 * n, 0);

        //Initializing f and dp vectors which stores the first occurrence of an element and the value of dp respectively
        vector<int> f(n / 2, -1), dp(n, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            int x;
            cin >> x;

            //Case 1: f[x] = -1, implies i is the first occurrence
            if (f[x] == -1)
                f[x] = i;
                if(i > 0)
                    dp[i] = dp[i - 1];

            // Case 2: i is the second occurrence, f[x] is the first
                //Calculating ti
                int ti = (dp[f[x]] + query(0, f[x]) + 1) % mod;

                //Calculating dp value from ti
                dp[i] = (dp[i - 1] + 2 * ti) % mod;

                //Updating T 
                modify(f[x], ti);
                modify(i, mod - ti);
        cout << dp[n - 1] << "\n";
Tester's Solution 1
mod = 998244353
class FenwickTree:
    def __init__(self, x):
        self.bit = x
        for i in range(len(x)):
            j = i | (i + 1)
            if j < len(x):
                x[j] += x[i]

    def update(self, idx, x):
        while idx < len(self.bit):
            self.bit[idx] += x
            idx |= idx + 1

    def query(self, end):
        x = 0
        while end:
            x += self.bit[end - 1]
            end &= end - 1
        return x

for _ in range(int(input())):
    n = int(input())
    a = list(map(int, input().split()))
    dp = [0]*(2*n+1)
    mark = [0]*(n+1)
    other = [-1]*(n+1)
    for i in reversed(range(2*n)):
        if other[a[i]] == -1:
            other[a[i]] = i
    F = FenwickTree([0 for _ in range(2*n + 5)])

    before, ans = 1, 0
    for x in a:
        if mark[x] == 1:
            F.update(other[x], -dp[x]%mod)
            before += dp[x]
            before %= mod
            mark[x] = 1
            dp[x] = 2*before + F.query(other[x])
            ans += dp[x]
            F.update(other[x], dp[x]%mod)
            ans %= mod
Tester's Solution 2
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

------------------------Input Checker----------------------------------

long long readInt(long long l,long long r,char endd){
    long long x=0;
    int cnt=0;
    int fi=-1;
    bool is_neg=false;
        char g=getchar();
        if('0'<=g && g<='9'){
            assert(fi!=0 || cnt==1);
            assert(fi!=0 || is_neg==false);

            assert(!(cnt>19 || ( cnt==19 && fi>1) ));
        } else if(g==endd){
                x= -x;

            if(!(l <= x && x <= r))
                cerr << l << ' ' << r << ' ' << x << '\n';
                assert(1 == 0);

            return x;
        } else {
string readString(int l,int r,char endd){
    string ret="";
    int cnt=0;
        char g=getchar();
    assert(l<=cnt && cnt<=r);
    return ret;
long long readIntSp(long long l,long long r){
    return readInt(l,r,' ');
long long readIntLn(long long l,long long r){
    return readInt(l,r,'\n');
string readStringLn(int l,int r){
    return readString(l,r,'\n');
string readStringSp(int l,int r){
    return readString(l,r,' ');

------------------------Main code starts here----------------------------------

const int MAX_T = 1e5;
const int MAX_N = 1e5;
const int MAX_SUM_LEN = 1e5;

#define fast ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0)
#define ff first
#define ss second
#define mp make_pair
#define ll long long
#define rep(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
#define rev(i,n) for(int i=n;i>=0;i--)
#define rep_a(i,a,n) for(int i=a;i<n;i++)
#define pb push_back

int sum_n = 0, sum_m = 0;
int max_n = 0, max_m = 0;
int yess = 0;
int nos = 0;
int total_ops = 0;
ll mod = 998244353;

using ii = pair<ll,ll>;

struct fentree{
    // 0 based indexing
    vector<ll> v;
    int _n;
    fentree(int n){
        _n = n+5;

    void upd(int pos, ll val){

    ll qr(int pos){
        ll ret = 0;
            ret += v[pos];
        return ret;

void solve(){
    int n = readIntLn(1,1e6);

    int a[2*n];
    int cnt[2*n+1] = {0};
        a[i] = readIntSp(1,n);
    a[2*n-1] = readIntLn(1,n);

    rep_a(i,1,n+1) assert(cnt[i]==2);

    struct fentree ft(2*n);

    vector<int> pos(n+1,-1);
    ll ans = 0;
            ll tmp = ft.qr(pos[a[i]])+1;
            ft.upd(0, 2*tmp);
            ft.upd(i, -2*tmp);
            ft.upd(i, tmp);
            ft.upd(pos[a[i]], -tmp);

        else pos[a[i]]=i;

    if(ans<0) ans+=mod;



signed main()

    #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE
    freopen("input.txt", "r" , stdin);
    freopen("output.txt", "w" , stdout);
    int t = 1;
    t = readIntLn(1,2e5);
    for(int i=1;i<=t;i++)

    assert(getchar() == -1);

    cerr<<"Tests : " << t << '\n';
    cerr<<"Sum of lengths : " << sum_n <<" "<<sum_m<<'\n';
    // cerr<<"Maximum length : " << max_n <<'\n';
    // // cerr<<"Total operations : " << total_ops << '\n';
    // cerr<<"Answered yes : " << yess << '\n';
    // cerr<<"Answered no : " << nos << '\n';

    cerr << "Time : " << 1000 * ((double)clock()) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "ms\n";

Feel free to share your approach. Suggestions are welcomed. :smile:


what does ordered and unordered pair of subsequences mean?

1 Like

An unordered pair does not depend on the order of (X, Y). For example,

For a sequence A, ([A_1, A_4], [A_2, A_3]) and ([A_2, A_3], [A_1, A_4]) are counted as 2 distinct ordered pairs of subsequences whereas they are considered the same unordered pair of subsequences.

Now, For Part 1, because both A_{f_i} and A_i can be added at the ends of both the sequences P and Q (we are considering the sequences which end before the index f_i), hence we need to count the ordered pairs.

Whereas, for Part 2, A_{f_i} can only be added after the sequence ending with f_x and A_i after the sequence ending with s_x (vice versa cannot be done). Hence, we need to take the number of unordered pairs of subsequences ending at f_x and s_x respectively, \forall x, such that, 0≤f_x<f_i<s_x<i .

I hope this helps! :smile:

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Can anyone, please explain why 2.ti?

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Because we are adding ordered pair of subsequences (P,Q) ending at fi and i . Since last element of both P and Q are same it does not matter whether we add fi to P and i to Q or fi to Q or i to P. And since ordered pair defines these 2 to be different pairs we count them twice . Hence 2*ti.
I think this is how it is
I am correct @shivansh0809 ?

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I don’t know, why setter’s solution get wrong answer in several test cases?

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Thank you for pointing that out!!. The solution is updated. (It was missing one of my favorite defines, #define int long long. :wink: )

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Yep, correct!