Expedia Invitation to Technical Challenge for summer internship

How did you do this problem can you share the code?

i got that dp problem.

Mine were both different, I got dp and a string problem.

I think they are not checking resume to shortlist for the test (Randomly or on the basis of CGPA). Now after completed online test, they are checking resume to shortlisting students for Interview.

did you or anyone you know get shortlisted by now?

Did anyone get any mail for further processes?

Yes, one of my friends has got mail for further process. Although he also applied referral.

When he got the email and how many questions he had attempt

He got it today and he and even I also attempted all the questions.

Thanks , I have not pass all testcase of second question so I think may cutoff higher than my score

Did u get the mail after the test?

No, I haven’t received yet :frowning:

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same here bro…even i solved all the questions.

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It seems like they have selected candidates for interviews, now no more selection will be there.

Anyone else got further mails for interviews?

yes i got the mail for interviews yesterday. completed all the questions and applied without referral

Even I did all the questions, no idea why they did not select. Did anyone get a mail today?

I think they have selected their candidates for interview

I think they are only shortlisting female candidates for the interview process.

is the selection process for interview over?