Extension for making sure you make private submissions on Ideone

For all those users, who use Ideone for compiling and testing their codes online

Gentle reminder, Ideone has 3 privacy settings:

Public: Codes are available to everyone, even shown publicly in recent codes.

Secret: Codes are still available to everyone with the link, these solutions may come up in google searches.

Private: Codes are available only to the user, who created it.

Private setting is recommended if you want to keep codes to yourself only.

Here’s a small script that makes sure you make private submission.

What this extension does?

  1. Sets privacy for Ideone submissions to private by default when page loads(user needs to be signed-in for this).
  2. Shows the current privacy settings with coloured buttons , just beside the run/Ideone button
    alt text
  3. Alerts and confirms when user tries to make a public/secret paste.
    alt text

Here’s the public repository at github

Feel free to check out the source code, modify, and add more features.


For firefox: greasemonkey script here [How to install here]

For chrome at Chrome Web Store now: here

waiting for feedbacks.


  1. fixed a bug, now default privacy is set to private on both new codes and forks too.

Works brilliantly… Thanks a lot for this extension. Something like this was highly needed. I am going to share this and also request others to do the same. Amazing work and kudos!

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Hey…why don’t you make this a part of the google play store? Every time I start chrome, I get that annoying “disable developer mode extensions” pop-up.

awsome extension :slight_smile:

just wait for few days, m travelling, will do it soon.

@sikander_nsit done, now this extension available at chrome web store.