Facebook hacker cup 2019 started

Hello guys,
The Facebook hacker cup 2019 will be starting today after 10:30 pm , u can sign up and compete . The contest last long 3 days.
@anon55659401 @hetp111 @marksman @anon13835146



U can go here :smiling_face::point_up::point_up::point_up:



Open as desktop site.

Here u go 4 question in qualification round solve at least 1 and get selected for round 1.
@anon55659401 @aryanc403 @abdullah @hetp111 @marksman @anon13835146

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See’s Case 5 of leap frog ch1
aggressively clicks request clarification

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And also ch2 :joy:

I also don’t understand why …:joy::joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::joy::joy:

What happen then any reply is come or not.

Please re-read the problem statement carefully. It is complete and correct.
The Facebook Hacker Cup Team

punchin’ air rn.

They do reply very quickly. Obviously all TCs were correct so no need for clarification there. But other then that their reply was pretty quick.

Don’t know if it is too quick, mine took 22 minutes to be exact. But my query wan’t particularly on testcases, mine was whether we can take multiple steps to reach, or we need to reach in one step, since it seemed to me that case 5 and 6 were similar. yet different results…

Ohk…I would not mention u unnecessary.