factorial trailing zeroes...need help


int main()

int size,i;

std::cin >> size;
fact = new int[size];
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
	std::cin >> fact[size];


for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
	int con = 5;
	int multiple = 0;
		multiple = multiple+(fact[size] / con);
		con = con * 5;
	} while (con < fact[size]);
	std::cout << multiple <<'\n';
return 0;


my code breaks for multiple i/p…it works when only one number is given…for multiple i/p it prints the answer for the last i/p again n again…need help…

In your do while loop replace fact[size] by fact[i] both in the body of the loop and condition statement. fact[size] will always be the last element.

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Take the input into fact[i] and not fact[size].

Also at the time of calculation, find trailing zeros for fact[i] not fact[size].

using namespace std;
int main() {
    int size,i;
    std::cin >> size;
    int *fact;
    fact = new int[size];
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        std::cin >> fact[i];
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
    int con = 5;
    int multiple = 0;
        multiple = multiple+(fact[i] / con);
        con = con * 5;
    } while (con < fact[i]);
    std::cout << multiple <<'\n';
return 0;

yeah don’t confuse with fact[i] and fact[size]

ohhh…yaaa…thanks a lot…

yes i corrected that too…thank you

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