Currently, when browsing the problems during the contest, there’s no direct indication on the problems page whether a problem contains subtasks or not.
In my opinion yesterdays’s Div1-D Subtask was easy but I was the only person who solved just subtask and not the full problem because most of the people were busy in solving C without knowing that D has a subtask.
Hey @smitbhatt247 , We do mention on the problem page if the problem is having subtask. you can check the problem statement, scroll down you will find the sub tasks.
This is what I mean by problems page. There is no indication here that ‘Substring Strategy’ problem has subtasks
What I’m trying to say is people keep trying the C problem assuming that D is harder so they don’t even bother to open D’s statement so they never know that D had a subtask.
Hey @smitbhatt247 , Thanks for your detailed explanation, we’ll surely look into this.
We do show how many people got what score when you hover over the successful submissions. But agree that it is a bit hidden.