FEBCON01 - Editorial


Author,Tester, Editorialist: John Zakkam




In a town, there are n cable cars on a rope way. Initially each of them will be at different positions(x). i.e; at time (t=0). Now starting from their respective positions(x), each of them moves with different velocities(v). You have to find if at-least one cable car can get damaged. i.e; If they have a chance to collide. They can only collide in opposite directions only. If the v_i is <0, it indicates that that cable car is moving left. If the v_i is >0, it indicates that that cable car is moving right. It is given that x_i's are given in non - descending order.


At first we need to exclude answer -1. Answer is -1 if and only if first part of cable cars moves left and second part moves right (any of this parts may be empty)
Let’s use binary search. Maximal answer is 1e9 (acc. to constraints). Suppose we need to unserstand - whether answer is more then t or less then t. Let’s iterate cable car from left to right and maintain maximal coordinate that cable car moving right would achive. Then of we will meet cable car moving left that will move to the left of that coordinate in time t that we have 2 cable car that will collide before time t. Otherwise we won’t have such pair of cable cars.


Setter's Solution
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int INFI = 1e9 +12;
typedef pair<double,double> part;
vector <part> coll;
int n;
double time ( int ind , double dis ) { return dis / (double)( coll[ind].second ); }
double binary( double begin , double end , int s , int k , int e ) {
	double x  , dis = end+begin , ma , mi; 
	for ( int j = 0 ; j < 70; j++ ) {
		ma = (double)INFI , mi =(double)INFI , x = (end+begin)/2;
		for ( int i = s ; i < k ; i++ ) {
			ma = min ( ma , time( i , x + ( coll[k-1].first - coll[i].first ) ) );
		for ( int i = k ; i < e ; i++ ) {
			mi = min ( mi , time ( i , ( (dis-x) + coll[i].first - coll[k].first ) * -1 ) );
		if ( ma > mi )
			end = x;
		else {
			if ( ma < mi )
				begin = x;
				return mi;
	return mi;
double solve(int s , int e ) {
	double ans = INFI;
	while ( s < e ) {
		int m =e , k = -1;
		for ( int i = s+1 ; i < e ; i++ )
			if ( coll[s].second * coll[i].second < 0 ){
				k = i;
		if ( k!= -1 )
			for ( int i = k+1 ; i < e ; i++ )
				if ( coll[k].second * coll[i].second < 0 ) {
					m = i;
		if ( k == -1 )
			return ans;
		ans = min ( ans , binary( 0 , coll[k].first - coll[k-1].first , s , k , m ));
		s = m;
	return ans;
int main() {
	cin >> n;
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		part gar;
		int x , y;
		scanf ( "%d" ,  &x);
		scanf ( "%d" , &y);
		gar.first = x ;
		gar.second = y;
	sort ( coll.begin() , coll.end() );
	double ans =INFI;
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		if ( coll[i].second > 0 ) {
			ans = solve(i,n);
	if ( ans == INFI )
		printf ( "%.15f \n " , (double)-1 );
		printf( "%.15f \n" , ans );
Editorialist's Solution
    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int INFI = 1e9 +12;
typedef pair<double,double> part;
vector <part> coll;
int n;
double time ( int ind , double dis ) { return dis / (double)( coll[ind].second ); }
double binary( double begin , double end , int s , int k , int e ) {
	double x  , dis = end+begin , ma , mi; 
	for ( int j = 0 ; j < 70; j++ ) {
		ma = (double)INFI , mi =(double)INFI , x = (end+begin)/2;
		for ( int i = s ; i < k ; i++ ) {
			ma = min ( ma , time( i , x + ( coll[k-1].first - coll[i].first ) ) );
		for ( int i = k ; i < e ; i++ ) {
			mi = min ( mi , time ( i , ( (dis-x) + coll[i].first - coll[k].first ) * -1 ) );
		if ( ma > mi )
			end = x;
		else {
			if ( ma < mi )
				begin = x;
				return mi;
	return mi;
double solve(int s , int e ) {
	double ans = INFI;
	while ( s < e ) {
		int m =e , k = -1;
		for ( int i = s+1 ; i < e ; i++ )
			if ( coll[s].second * coll[i].second < 0 ){
				k = i;
		if ( k!= -1 )
			for ( int i = k+1 ; i < e ; i++ )
				if ( coll[k].second * coll[i].second < 0 ) {
					m = i;
		if ( k == -1 )
			return ans;
		ans = min ( ans , binary( 0 , coll[k].first - coll[k-1].first , s , k , m ));
		s = m;
	return ans;
int main() {
	cin >> n;
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		part gar;
		int x , y;
		scanf ( "%d" ,  &x);
		scanf ( "%d" , &y);
		gar.first = x ;
		gar.second = y;
	sort ( coll.begin() , coll.end() );
	double ans =INFI;
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		if ( coll[i].second > 0 ) {
			ans = solve(i,n);
	if ( ans == INFI )
		printf ( "%.15f \n " , (double)-1 );
		printf( "%.15f \n" , ans );