FIXPTS - Editorial


Contest: Division 1
Contest: Division 2
Contest: Division 3

Author: Soumyadeep Pal
Tester: Radostin Chonev
Editorialist: Nishank Suresh






Given an array A, find the sum of the number of fixed points over all subarrays [A_L, A_{L+1}, \dots, A_R], where a fixed point of an array B is an index i such that B_i = i.


The answer is the sum of N-i+1 over all indices 1\leq i\leq N such that A_i \leq i.


Counting the number of fixed points for each subarray and summing them up is too slow, so we instead employ a trick commonly used in such counting problems - we instead look at each index and try to figure out how many subarrays it is a fixed point of, and then sum this over all possible indices.

Fix some index 1\leq i\leq N. When is this index a fixed point of a subarray [L, R]?
Of course, the very first condition which needs to be satisfied is that i needs to belong to the subarray in the first place, i.e, L\leq i\leq R.

Further, the condition of i being a fixed point tells us that A_i = i-L+1.
Rewriting this condition, we obtain L = i - A_i + 1 - in other words, there is exactly one choice of L given that i is fixed.
However, we must also have L\geq 1, so i - A_i + 1\geq 1 \iff i\geq A_i.

The choice of R doesn’t affect i being a fixed point, so any R such that R\geq i works, and there are N-i+1 of these.

Our final answer is thus simply the sum of N-i+1 over all indices 1\leq i\leq N such that A_i \leq i.




Setter (C++)
using namespace std;

void solve() {
  int n ; cin >> n;
  long long ans = 0;
  for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    int x;
    cin >> x;
    if (i >= x) ans += (n - i + 1);
  cout << ans << '\n';

signed main() {
  ios_base :: sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0);
  int t; 
  cin >> t;
  for (int i = 1; i <= t; i++) solve();
  return 0;
Tester (Kotlin)

fun main(omkar: Array<String>) {
    val jin = FastScanner()
    var nSum = 0
    repeat(jin.nextInt(1000)) {
        val n = jin.nextInt(100000)
        nSum += n
        if (nSum > 500000) {
            throw InvalidInputException("constraint on sum n violated")
        var answer = 0L
        for (j in 1..n) {
            val x = jin.nextInt(n, j == n)
            if (x <= j) {
                answer += (n - j + 1).toLong()

class InvalidInputException(message: String): Exception(message)

class FastScanner {
    private val BS = 1 shl 16
    private val NC = 0.toChar()
    private val buf = ByteArray(BS)
    private var bId = 0
    private var size = 0
    private var c = NC
    private var `in`: BufferedInputStream? = null
    private val validation: Boolean

    constructor(validation: Boolean) {
        this.validation = validation
        `in` = BufferedInputStream(System.`in`, BS)

    constructor() : this(true)

    private val char: Char
        private get() {
            while (bId == size) {
                size = try {
                } catch (e: Exception) {
                    return NC
                if (size == -1) return NC
                bId = 0
            return buf[bId++].toChar()

    fun validationFail(message: String) {
        if (validation) {
            throw InvalidInputException(message)

    fun endOfInput() {
        if (char != NC) {
            validationFail("excessive input")
        if (validation) {
            System.err.println("input validated")

    fun nextInt(from: Int, to: Int, endsLine: Boolean = true) = nextLong(from.toLong(), to.toLong(), endsLine).toInt()

    fun nextInt(to: Int, endsLine: Boolean = true) = nextInt(1, to, endsLine)

    fun nextLong(endsLine: Boolean): Long {
        var neg = false
        c = char
        if (c !in '0'..'9' && c != '-' && c != ' ' && c != '\n') {
            validationFail("found character other than digit, negative sign, space, and newline, character code = ${c.toInt()}")
        if (c == '-') {
            neg = true
            c = char
        var res = 0L
        while (c in '0'..'9') {
            res = (res shl 3) + (res shl 1) + (c - '0').toLong()
            c = char
        if (endsLine) {
            if (c != '\n') {
                validationFail("found character other than newline, character code = ${c.toInt()}")
        } else {
            if (c != ' ') {
                validationFail("found character other than space, character code = ${c.toInt()}")
        return if (neg) -res else res

    fun nextLong(from: Long, to: Long, endsLine: Boolean = true): Long {
        val res = nextLong(endsLine)
        if (res !in {
            validationFail("$res not in range $from..$to")
        return res

    fun nextLong(to: Long, endsLine: Boolean = true) = nextLong(1L, to, endsLine)
Editorialist (Python)
import sys
input = sys.stdin.readline
for _ in range(int(input())):
    n = int(input())
    a = list(map(int, input().split()))
    ans = 0
    for i in range(n):
        if a[i] <= i+1:
            ans += n-i

can anybody can tell me whats the problem in my code. As my whole logic is same as that of the setter code#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { ios_base :: sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); int t ; cin>>t; while(t--) { int count=0,i,j,n; cin>>n; int arr[n+1]; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { cin>>arr[i]; if(i-arr[i]>=0) count+=n-i+1; } cout <<count<<"\n"; } return 0; }

Use long long count