Hello, Codechef community
The Club of Programmers, IIT BHU is excited to announce the completion of beginners playlist of COPS YouTube channel.
The content is made for beginners to enable them to kickstart their journey in the field of competitive programming. The videos and the corresponding document not only provide explanation to the concept but also provide a proper roadmap on how to study these concepts along with the practice problems.
Youtube Channel link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC01TZlNfu29QgG4FmUqVsdg/featured?view_as=subscriber
I am also providing the concept wise link to the videos for the beginners-
Some basic techniques (two pointer, sliding window algorithm, prefix sum technique)
Basic Number Theory (gcd, lcm, modular multiplicative inverse)
Binary operators, bitmasking and its application (Generating all permutation of an array)
… and we will also be covering intermediate topics like dp and graphs very soon. So stay tuned and do subscribe to our channel.
The videos are in a mix of Hindi and English.
P.S. We were glad for your overwhelming response that we reached 2^10 subscribers in just 2^1 days ^-^.