Getting WA in Palindrome Number LightOJ

// [problem link :]

static long[][][][] dp = new long[20][20][2][2];
        private static void solve(){
            long a = sc.nextLong();
            long b = sc.nextLong();
            long l = min2(a,b);
            long r = max2(a,b);
            long ans = helper(r);    // calculate f(r)
            if(l<=1)ans --;     // remove edge case when the num created is '0' as considered as a possible solution
            else ans -= helper(l-1);

        private static long helper(long n){
            int digitLength = (int)(1 + Math.log10(n));
            int[] digitArray = new int[digitLength];
            for(int i = digitLength-1;i>=0;i--){
                digitArray[i] = (int)(n % 10);
            for(int i=0;i<20;i++)
                for(int j=0;j<20;j++)
                    for(int k=0;k<2;k++)
            long ans = memo(0,digitLength-1,0,1,digitArray);
            // the edge case when we make a num palindrome > r.
            // Like if the r = 10, but we assumed num = 11 as a possible answer, so remove it.
            // there is only 1 palindrome that can be created which exceeds r and added by our memo()
            for(int i=(digitLength-1)/2; i>=0;i--){
                    ans --;
                else if(digitArray[digitLength - i - 1]>digitArray[i])break;
            return ans;
        // l is the index of left pointer, r is the index of right pointer
        // canPlaceZero tells us that whether we can place digit '0' at l and r on both when canPlaceZero = 1.
        // if canPlaceZero ==0, it means we haven't created any number yet, so we can not place a '0' at r, so increment l only
        // isBound will tell if we are at the boundary of the number
        private static long memo(int l, int r,int canPlaceZero,int isBound,int[] digitArray){
            if(l>r)return 1;
            if(dp[l][r][canPlaceZero][isBound]!=-1)return dp[l][r][canPlaceZero][isBound];
            int ans = 0;
            int maxDigit = isBound==1?digitArray[l]:9;
            for(int digit = 0;digit<=maxDigit;digit++){
                if(digit == 0 && canPlaceZero == 0)
                    ans += memo(l+1,r,0,(isBound==1 && digit == digitArray[l])?1:0,digitArray);
                else ans += memo(l+1,r-1,1,(isBound==1 && digit == digitArray[l])?1:0, digitArray);
            return dp[l][r][canPlaceZero][isBound] = ans;