Giving Time limit Exceed in C++ 4.8.1 and AC in C++ 4.3.2

Giving Time limit Exceed in C++ 4.8.1 and AC in C++ 4.3.2
Can anybody just help me and tell why is it so ??
Thanx in advance

This is a very common problem .i had faced this problem previously. You can see the question i had posted.

As far as i have observed, the reason for this is the way internal libraries are implemented in different versions of C++. With higher versions ,they try to introduce more optimizations in inbuilt libraries (e.g. implementation of vectors, maps, heaps,etc) and also introduce extra safety checks and measures to prevent misbehavior of functions (e.g. extra checks when taking input, when wrong arguments are given …)

I think the former leads to improved performance in newer versions while the latter increases reliability at the cost of performance. For exact reason i guess you will have to refer to the language documentation or try Google or some place like Stackoverflow .

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Thanx buddy!!!