Grid problem with combinatorics

problem can anyone help me out to solve this problem??

Template by Sai Suman Chitturi.
Inspired by Money Heist - "I don't care at all. I am lost."
Hackerrank: skynetasspyder
Codechef: suman_18733097
Codeforces: saisumanchitturi
Github: ChitturiSaiSuman
Hackerearth: chitturi7
SPOJ: Sai Suman Chitturi @out_of_bound

#include <stdio.h>			
#include <stdlib.h>			//	  _____   _    _   __    __     ____     __    _
#include <string.h>			//	 / ____| | |  | | |  \  /  |   /    \   |  \  | |
#include <math.h>			//	 | |___  | |  | | |   \/   |  /   _  \  | . \ | |
#include <stdbool.h>		//	 \____ \ | |  | | | |\__/| | |   /_\  | | |\ \| |
#include <time.h>			//	 ____| | | \__/ | | |    | | |   __   | | | \ ` |
#include <limits.h>			//	 |_____/ \______/ |_|    |_| |__|  |__| |_|  \__|
#include <ctype.h>			//
#include <assert.h>

#define and 									&&
#define or 										||
#define not 									!
#define is 										==
#define newline 								printf("\n")
#define space									printf(" ")
#define iter(x,a,b) 							for(int x=a;x<=b;x++)
#define FOR(x,n) 								for(int x=0;x<n;x++)
#define For(x,n) 								FOR(x,n)
#define caseprint 								printf("Case #%d: ",test+1)
#define inverse(a) 								power(a,mod-2)
#define scan(a) 								scanf("%d",&a)
#define print(a) 								printf("%lld",((ll)a))
#define println(a)								printf("%lld\n",((ll)a))
#define read(arr,maxN)							FOR(x,maxN) scan(arr[x])
#define write(arr,maxN)							FOR(x,maxN) {print(arr[x]);space;}
#define fill(arr,maxN,value)					FOR(x,maxN) arr[x] = value
#define SORT123(arr,maxN)						qsort(arr,maxN,sizeof(int),ascending)
#define SORT321(arr,maxN)						qsort(arr,maxN,sizeof(int),descending)
#define newIntArray(n)							(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*n)
#define newLLArray(n)							(ll *)malloc(sizeof(ll)*n)

typedef unsigned long long int ull;
typedef long long int ll;
const ll mod = 1000000007; // 10**9+7

static inline void swap_int(int *a, int *b) 	{int temp=*a;*a=*b;*b=temp;}
static inline void swap_char(char *a, char *b)	{char c=*a;*a=*b;*b=c;}
static inline void swap_long(ll *a, ll *b)		{ll temp=*a;*a=*b;*b=temp;}
static inline int set_bit_count(ll n)			{int ans=0;for(;n>0;n/=2,ans+=n%2);return ans;}
static inline ll gcd(ll a, ll b) 				{for(ll rem;b>0;rem=a%b,a=b,b=rem);return a;}
static inline ll lcm(ll a, ll b) 				{return (a*b)/(gcd(a,b));}
static inline ll max(ll a, ll b) 				{return (a>b?a:b);}
static inline ll min(ll a, ll b) 				{return (a<b?a:b);}
static inline ll mul(ll a, ll b) 				{return ((a%mod*b%mod)%mod);}
static inline ll add(ll a, ll b) 				{return ((a%mod+b%mod)%mod);}
static inline ll sub(ll a, ll b) 				{return ((a%mod-b%mod)+mod)%mod;}
static inline int sum_of_digits(ll n) 			{return n>0?n%10+sum_of_digits(n/10):0;}
static inline int number_of_digits(ll n)		{return n>0?1+number_of_digits(n/10):0;}

int ascending (const void *a, const void *b)	{return *(int*)a-*(int*)b>=0?1:-1;}
int descending(const void *a, const void *b)	{return *(int*)b-*(int*)a>=0?1:-1;}

ll power(ll x, ll y)
	ll result=1;
	return result;

bool is_prime(ll n)
	if(n==0 or n==1)
		return false;
	else if(n==2 or n==3)
		return true;
	else if(n%2==0 or n%3==0)
		return false;
	for(int i=5;i<=sqrt(n);i+=6)
		if(n%i==0 or n%(i+2)==0)
			return false;
	return true;

typedef struct tuple
	int first;
	int second;

int compare(const void*a,const void*b)
	return ((*(tuple*)a).first-(*(tuple*)b).first)>=0?1:-1;

#define size 1000003 // 10**6+3
ll fact[size] = {1};
void compute_factorials()
	for(int i=1;i<size;i++)
		fact[i] = mul(fact[i-1],i);
ll ncr_mod_p(ll n, ll r)
	if(r == 0)
		return 1;
	return mul(mul(fact[n],inverse(fact[r])), inverse(fact[n - r]));
ll number_of_ways(ll a, ll b, ll x, ll y)
	return ncr_mod_p(x+y-(a+b),x-a);
void solve()
	int h,w,a,b;
	int y = h-a;
	int x = w-b;
	ll ans = 0;
	for(int i=1;i<=y;i++)
		ans = add(ans,mul(number_of_ways(1LL,1LL,b,i),number_of_ways(b+1,i,w,h)));

int main()
	int t=1;
	if(!t) scan(t);
	return 0;


Please go through the following links, before you go through explanation:

  1. Lattice Path
  2. Combinatiorics

So, the solution to our problem is the sum of the following (please refer above image):

  • (Number of ways from (1,1) to (B,1)) x (Number of ways from (B+1,1) to (W,H))
  • (Number of ways from (1,1) to (B,2)) x (Number of ways from (B+1,2) to (W,H))
  • (Number of ways from (1,1) to (B,3)) x (Number of ways from (B+1,3) to (W,H))
  • (Number of ways from (1,1) to (B,H-A)) x (Number of ways from (B+1,H-A) to (W,H))

This is the best way I could explain. Anyways, the Problem is good.

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Thanks a lot bro…got to learn more…

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