GUESSG - Editorial


Contest Link

Author: Arthur Nascimento
Tester: Felipe Mota
Editorialist: Rajarshi Basu




Binary-Search, Adhoc


We have to guess a number N, 1 \leq N \leq 10^9. We can query an adaptive judge, with a value X, and it can tell us whether X > N ( when it will return G), X < N ( when it will return L) or X=N. However, it can also lie: it can return X > N when X<N, or X<N when actually X>N. Note that it won’t lie about equality. Further, it cannot lie twice in a row. Guess the value of N in at most 120 queries.


This problem is not based much on finding observations and building upon them. It is much more adhoc. Hence, I’ll write this as a sequence of what one could have done while solving this problem, and not as a sequence of Observations. That said, let’s move ahead:

Some Preliminary Thinking

The problem seems very close to binary-search, but it isn’t clear how we can proceed since the judge can lie as well. Making multiple queries at the same location also doesn’t reveal any useful information, since we don’t know which is truth and which is a lie. Nor can we take help of any randomisation tactics since the judge is adaptive.

Maybe Brute?

We might think that since just querying a bunch of times at the middle point doesn’t help, maybe we can query at a bunch of places in some sequence. To me, it felt appropriate to query at points \{\frac{N}{2}, \frac{N}{4} ,\frac{3N}{4}\}. In what order, how many times? Well, I fixed a point as the hidden value (since that shouldn’t matter for our testing). Then, I brute-forced the length and the order of queries, as well as which is a lie and which is a truth. This means every query would have given a plausible set of regions (here regions are 1,2,3,4, which are separated by our set of query points), and my goal was to see if, in any order of queries, a particular region could always be found as common, irrespective of which were lies and which were the truth. Turned out, the intersection was always null. sad sad crie crie


Key takeaway from the above bruteforcing?

Well, it seemed unlikely after this that we can use some queries and fixate a particular region as our plausible zone. Thus, maybe instead of trying to fixate on a particular region, what if a better way was to eliminate the zones?

What next?
Trying to eliminate

Well, again, taking the three query points of \{\frac{N}{4}, \frac{N}{2}, \frac{3N}{4} \} seems like a reasonable choice. Now, let’s query at \frac{N}{2}, and WLOG assume that we got G back from the judge. Then, let’s query at \frac{N}{4}. What happens now?

More Explanation

If we again get back G, then we definitely know that region 1 can definitely be eliminated. However, if we get back L, then we definitely know that region 2 can be eliminated! N0ice.

We can argue similarly if we had got L after querying at \frac{N}{2}, and would have queried at \frac{3N}{4} after it.

How does that help?

Well, now we are effectively removing \frac{1}{4} of the search space for every 2 queries that we make. This solution is intended to give up to 75pnts. (Find out the exact number of queries required!)

Let's go for 100 points!

We have to slightly (read: a lot) modify our solution. It isn’t obvious how we can reduce more than 25\%.

How much to we reduce by?

Try to reduce by 33\% for every 2 queries.

Hint 1:

Instead of trying to use exactly 2 new queries for each 33\% reduction, maybe we can do something trickier?

Hint 2:

We still need to query at \frac{N}{2}.

Hint 3:

Try to split it into uneven pieces

Full Solution

Let’s say we got G at \frac{N}{2}. Now, consider the portion 1 to \frac{N}{2}-1. Now, query at \frac{N}{3}. If, we get a G, that means 1 to \frac{N}{3} is definitely eliminated. Otherwise, \frac{N}{3} to \frac{N}{2} definitely gets eliminated. But hold on \dots doesn’t that mean that in the worst case we are just eliminating a total length of \frac{N}{6} in the worst case \dots using 2 queries? Well yes but no. The trick is, this last query (ie, at \frac{N}{3}) is pretty close to the centre of the sequence after we have eliminated \frac{N}{3} to \frac{N}{2}. Hence, we can just use its result as the first query in the next iteration!

This solution should give full points. See Tester’s code for more details.

Dry Run

Let’s go through an example:

  • Let’s say our initial range of number’s were [1 \dots 100]
  • First, we query at 50, and let’s assume we got G
  • Now, let’s say we query at 33, and we get G. Then we just remove [1 \dots 33], and again start over, since we have removed 33% using 2 queries.
  • Let’s look at the other case, where we get L. Then, we delete [33 \dots 50].
  • Now, our range is [1 \dots 32] \cup [51 \dots 100], and we had got a L at 33. Hence, we query at 66. If we get a L, our range reduces to [1 \dots 33] \cup [51 \dots 65], and we can start over.
  • Else, our range becomes [1 \dots 33] \cup [67 \dots 100], and our last result is a G at 66.
  • We continue this process, until we get to remove a 33\%, or hit the actual answer. Once we remove a 33\%, we start over, discarding our previous query answer.
Complexity Analysis

We can show the following:

  • If the process takes an odd amount X of turns, the remaining available numbers will be something like \frac{1}{2} * \frac{2}{3}^{\frac{X - 3}{ 2}}
  • If the process takes an even amount Y of turns, the remaining available numbers will be something like \frac{2}{3}^{\frac{Y}{2}}

So we could do some round-ups and say that we remove ~(1 - \sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}) (to handle the \frac{1}{2}) per operation, which leads to removing ~33\% per 2 queries.


Remind Me

Since we are eliminating, all the plausible values are not in a contiguous range. We can maintain them as a list of valid ranges. Again, See setter’s code for more details.

Oh, and don’t forget to flush the output!


Tester's Code
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
	int n;
	cin >> n;
	vector<pair<int,int>> ranges, nxt_ranges;
	ranges.push_back({1, n});
	auto size = [&](){
		int len = 0;
		for(auto e : ranges) len += e.second - e.first + 1;
		return len;
	int cnt_q = 0;
	auto query = [&](int x){
		assert(cnt_q <= 100);
		cout << x << endl;
		char ans;
		cin >> ans;
		if(ans == 'E'){
		return ans;
	auto kth = [&](int k){
		for(auto e : ranges){
			int len = e.second - e.first + 1;
			if(k > len)
				k -= len;
				return e.first + k - 1;
		return -1;
	auto count_small = [&](int x){
		int ans = 0;
		for(auto e : ranges){
			if(e.second <= x){
				ans += e.second - e.first + 1;
			} else {
				if(x >= e.first) ans += x - e.first + 1;
		return ans;
	auto remove = [&](int l, int r){
		for(auto e : ranges){
			if(e.second < l) nxt_ranges.push_back(e);
			else if(e.first > r) nxt_ranges.push_back(e);
			else {
				if(e.first < l) nxt_ranges.push_back({e.first, l - 1});
				if(e.second > r) nxt_ranges.push_back({r + 1, e.second});
		ranges = nxt_ranges;
		int len = size();
		if (len <= 5){
			for(int i = 1; i <= len; i++){
		int x = kth(len / 2);
		char last = query(x);
		int L = len / 2 - 1, R = len - len / 2;
		int qr[2] = {x, x};
		bool done = false;
		for(int i = 0; L > 1 && R > 1 && !done;){
			double delta = 0.33;
			if(last == 'G'){
				int np = kth(L * (1 - delta));
				char nxt = query(np);
				if(nxt == last){
					remove(1, np);
					remove(qr[0], qr[1]);
					done = true;
				} else {
					qr[0] = qr[1];
					qr[1] = np;
				last = nxt;
				L = count_small(np - 1);
			} else {
				int np = kth(len - R * (1 - delta));
				char nxt = query(np);
				if(nxt == last){
					remove(np, n);
					remove(qr[1], qr[0]);
					done = true;
				} else {
					qr[0] = qr[1];
					qr[1] = np;
				last = nxt;
				R = len - count_small(np);
				remove(min(qr[0], qr[1]), max(qr[0], qr[1]));
				len = size();
				L = count_small(min(qr[0], qr[1]));
				R = len - count_small(max(qr[0], qr[1]));
	return 0;

Please give me suggestions if anything is unclear so that I can improve. Thanks :slight_smile:

->What is wrong in this solution ?

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In the Preliminary Thinking section, you (@rajarshi_basu) said that randomization tactics can’t be used to solve this question but i got 45 points with a randomized solution. I don’t know how it worked since i was just playing around with the question. I just wanted to know if we can improve my code to score more or not. Here is the link to my submission: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone


Nice Editorial

I think you are asking more than K queries that’s why it gives you a WA.

great editorial…wonderful way of explaining the solution!!!


If I remember correctly, this problem should stem from IMO2012. :grimacing: :grimacing:


If we are removing the 2nd part we create a hole in the range. So we need to split the ranges and then query on both. That would not remove 1/4 part per 2 query?

I used the approach for 75 marks one but i could score only 45. please check my solution.
particularly this part

scanf(" %c",&j);
return 0;
scanf(" %c",&k);
return 0;
v.erase(v.begin() + 1, v.begin() + p2+1);
v.erase(v.begin() + p2, v.begin() + p1+1);
scanf(" %c",&k);
return 0;
v.erase(v.begin() + p2, v.end());
v.erase(v.begin() + p1, v.begin() + p2+1);
scanf(" %c",&j);
return 0;

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How do you even remember that lol

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Maybe I did it in high school, then I found this problem very familiar. :joy: :joy:


no…that would have given WA(-1.0000)

could you format “this part”?

“Since we are eliminating, all the plausible values are not in a contiguous range. We can maintain them as a list of valid ranges. Again, See setter’s code for more details.”

Quoting the editorial.

Can someone share a video explanation or explain the editorial’s gist in short

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It seems that the constraint K = 120 wasn’t tight. Because I remove 50% portion in 4 queries, but your method actually removes 55.55% in 4 queries.

Here is my solution to remove 50% in 4 queries :

1. Query N/2 : Let’s say we get G (If we get L,we can use similar strategy.)

2. Query N/3 :
If I get G, 33% is removed in 2 queries, so this case won’t appear.
If I get L, 16.66% is removed.

3. Query 2N/3 :
If I get L, 50% is removed in 3 queries, so this case won’t appear.
If I get G, more 16.66% is removed , so total 33.33% is removed.

4. Query N/6 : If get L or G, more 16.66% will be removed. So I get reduction of 50% in 4 queries.


can you check what’s wrong with my solution?

Is this a right implementation ?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define ll long long int
ll ans;
map<ll,ll> m;
void  bst(ll l,ll r)
	ll mid = (l+r)/2;
	ll mid1 = (l+r)/3;

	char a1,a2;

	if(a1==a2 && a1=='L')
	if(a1==a2 && a1=='G')
	if(a1=='G' && a2=='L')
	if(a1=='L' && a2=='G')

int main() {

    ll n;
	return 0;

I’m getting WA. Please help me

I agree I recall too!

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It’s somewhat relieving to know that I was close, got the same idea with cutting in half, then quarters: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone however it didn’t work as expected, as I was confused to take all possibilities into account: true or false answers + maybe a change of the number in between the queries. The fact that the hidden number can change at any time (under the condition to preserve the validity of all answers already given, as per the rules) really confused me.

Also, for case 1 I think that the following solution has a good educational value, and is pretty obvious: just run in an alternating manner two binary searches, one asking only odd-numbered questions, and the other asking only even-numbered questions: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

One of them is doomed to always receive truthful answers. Care must be taken for both searches to always consume one question to preserve the condition above: this means that if the main loop has exited (likely due to receiving some lies in the questions asked), a dummy question needs to be asked.

Finally, I got solutions for both case1 and case2, but failed to combine them into one that solves both cases. It is a bit disappointing that randomisation is capable of solving them both.

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