Guys please have a look on this

please see this guys. I solved three problems which are accepted and passed all the test cases. Even though why my ratings are decreasing so much. Why should they decrease even i submit correct answers that too in div4 i solved three problems. Anyone help me out please!!
If this is the case then i think plagiarism will increase. Codechef can promote us to 2* and encourage us. But why it is reducing the rating unnecessarily.

How should we able to overcome this problem??

And guys tell me honestly ; how many of your graphs are decreasing like this and how many problems does 4*, 5* coders have to do to increase their ratings??

Today’s cheating was out of bounds.

I dare to say more than a half of the Palindromic Substrings and ConstructXor submissions are cheating.

i didn’t solve palindrome substring as you can see. Cheaters will definitely be plagairised. Does ratings decreases even though you submit correct submisssions also??

It’s correct. The rating is calculated by how much points you get in a contest compared to the rest. If many “solve” more problems than you, your rating deceases.

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