HackerEarth August Circuits ‘21 Solutions

Hello Codechef Community, Here are the editorials for the recently held HackerEarth August Circuits’ 21. Each and every problem along with their solutions are explained in detail.

Below are the links to the solution:-

  1. Non Decreasing Arrays
  2. Bitwise AND Sum
  3. Lost in a Jungle

Rest of the problems will be updated soon.

Please do watch videos, like, comment, and subscribe to this channel. Likewise, Videos will be uploaded for most of the contest’s editorial. Any suggestions are welcome, do comment in this blog post.

Thank You!!

Google Kickstart Round C Editorial
HackerEarth June Circuits '21 Solutions

can u make video solution for the recent kickstart 1st question , i guess it was anagrams
(for full score).

That was a very easy question right?

I didnt find the analysis useful :frowning: . Maybe u can help me in explaining ur soln.

Yes sure.
Check my code:- Shuffled Anagrams
If you are able to understand, that’s good otherwise, I’ll try my best to explain.

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can u please explain ur algorithm , I will try to implement this on my own then.