Help me in solving FASH05 problem

My issue

Did you add the img element with src, alt as mentioned and class=“Item-img” ?

My code

// your code goes here
	    <div class="Items">
	        <table id="item-table">
	                <td><img src="" and alt="T-Shirts" class="Item-img"></td>
	                <td><img src="" and alt="Sun Glasses" class="Item-img"></td>
	                <td><img src="" and alt="Shirts" class="Item-img"></td>
	                <td><img src="" and alt="Shoes" class="Item-img"></td>
	                <td><img src="" and alt="Pants" class="Item-img"></td>
	                <td><img src="" and alt="Perfumes" class="Item-img"></td>
	                <td><a href="" class="Item-tag">T-Shirts</a></td>
	                <td><a href="" class="Item-tag">Sun<br>Glasses</a></td>
	                <td><a href="" class="Item-tag">Shirts</a></td>
	                <td><a href="" class="Item-tag">Shoes</a></td>
	                <td><a href="" class="Item-tag">Pants</a></td>
	                <td><a href="" class="Item-tag">Perfumes</a></td>

Learning course: Projects using HTML / CSS
Problem Link: FS FASHION OPTIONS HTML Practice Problem in Projects using HTML / CSS - CodeChef