Help me in solving GYMDAY problem

My issue

diff is the deficit Chef needs to make up. Save is the raw money he saves per session(he gets a a D% discount but needs to pay one). N should be the answer then. And this works fine on my local computer, but submitting always gives a RE

My code

# cook your dish here
import math

x = int(input())

for a in range(x):
    i = input().split(" ")
    d = int(i[0])
    m = int(i[1])
    b = int(i[2])
    diff = m-b
    save = (m*(d*0.01))-1
    n = math.ceil(diff/save)
    if b>=m:
    elif save <= 0 or n > b:

Problem Link: International Gym Day Practice Coding Problem

Bro its running on my computer and in codechef also try to clear your cookies…