Help me in solving PPSC61 problem

My issue

Can anyone please explain why I am getting errors in this simple code? Although I have reviewed the code many times.

My code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    // int b = 23, r = 45;
    // if (r > b) {
    //     printf("Rob scored higher marks than Bob.\n");
    // } else if (r == b) {
    //     printf("Bob & Rob both scored the same.\n");
    // } else {
    //     printf("Bob scored higher marks than Rob.\n");
    // }

    int b = 15, r = 15;
    if (r > b) {
        printf("Rob Scored higher marks than Bob.\n");
    } else if (r == b) {
        printf("Bob & Rob both scored the same\n");
    } else {
        printf("Bob scored higher marks than Rob.\n");

    return 0;

Learning course: CSEIPFOIA: Programming and Problem Solving
Problem Link: Else If Statement Practice Problem in CSEIPFOIA: Programming and Problem Solving - CodeChef

U have to print . after same in second else if .
Just print the statement as it is given in the problem.