Help me in solving SQUIRREL problem

My issue

Wrong Answer: Failed on a hidden test case

My code

import heapq

def min_time_to_collect_chestnuts(t, test_cases):
    results = []
    for case in test_cases:
        m, n, k = case['params']
        T = case['T']
        P = case['P']
        # Priority queue to simulate chestnut drops
        pq = []
        for i in range(m):
            time = T[i]
            interval = P[i]
            count = 0
            while count < k + 1:  # Collect up to k + 1 drops
                heapq.heappush(pq, time)
                time += interval
                count += 1

        total_chestnuts = 0
        while total_chestnuts < k:
            time = heapq.heappop(pq)
            total_chestnuts += 1
    return results

# Sample input parsing
t = 2
test_cases = [
        'params': (3, 2, 5),
        'T': [5, 1, 2],
        'P': [1, 2, 1]
        'params': (3, 2, 5),
        'T': [5, 1, 2],
        'P': [1, 1, 1]

results = min_time_to_collect_chestnuts(t, test_cases)
for result in results:

Learning course: Placement preparation for Product companies
Problem Link: Squirrel and chestnut in Placement preparation for Product companies