Help me in solving TRICOIN problem

My issue

My code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int i,t;
        int n,j,k=0;
       std::cout << k << std::endl;
	return 0;

Problem Link: TRICOIN Problem - CodeChef

can you retify my problem i find heigth of my node how to known that heigth of each node
include <stdio.h>
include <stdlib.h>

struct node {
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;

struct node* createNode(int data) {
struct node* newnode = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
newnode->data = data;
newnode->left = NULL;
newnode->right = NULL;
return newnode;

struct node* insert(struct node* root, int data) {
if (root == NULL) {
return createNode(data);

if (root->data > data) {
    root->right = insert(root->right, data);
} else {
    root->left = insert(root->left, data);

return root;


int height(struct node* root) {
if (root == NULL) {
return 0;

int right = height(root->right);
int left = height(root->left);

if (right > left) {
    return right + 1;
} else {
    return left + 1;


int main() {
struct node* root = NULL;
int n, data;
scanf(ā€œ%dā€, &n);

while (n--) {
    scanf("%d", &data);
    root = insert(root, data);

int k = height(root);
printf("%d", k);
return 0;
