Help needed , don't know one is wrong other is correct? [ Graph Problem 10 ]

#define maxN 21
#define MAX 10000

vector<pii> adj[MAX];  // vector of pair <cost , node>
int vis[MAX];
lli level[MAX];
lli LCA[MAX][maxN];

void dfs(lli src , lli lvl , lli parent)
    level[src] = lvl;
    LCA[src][0] = parent;
    vis[src]=1; //works fine if i take vis array
    for(auto child : adj[src])
        if(!vis[child.S])  // <------
            dfs(child.S , lvl+1 , src);

// call this -

same but if condition with parent

#define maxN 21
#define MAX 10000

vector<pii> adj[MAX];  // vector of pair <cost , node>
int vis[MAX];
lli level[MAX];
lli LCA[MAX][maxN];

void dfs(lli src , lli lvl , lli parent)
    level[src] = lvl;
    LCA[src][0] = parent;

    for(auto child : adj[src])
        if(child.S != parent)  // <------
            dfs(child.S , lvl+1 , src);

// call this -

//It shows RE or comand signal 11

Help @galencolin @aneee004

Wait first correct your problem - is it a Graph or is it a tree? If it is graph with cycle then second code is definitely wrong.

Yes it is graph with cycle too.

5 7
1 2 3
1 3 1
1 4 5
2 3 2
2 5 3
3 4 2
4 5 4

But why ?

Then definitely second code is wrong…the consider a simple graph:
1-2, 2-3, 3-1
If you call dfs from node 1, and say you visit 2, then from 2 you visit 3 then from 3(whose parent is 2) you again visit 1 and you encounter infinite loop or Signal 11 error.
But I don’t think LCA is defined for graphs with cycle.


If it is a graph like you said then the 2nd code is wrong as it would revisit the nodes already visited as one node can have more than one immediate parent.

These are the edges.
here you start with 1 and say it first goes to 2.
2 ignores 1 as it is parent and goes to 3.
now 3 assumes only 2 is its parent according to your 2nd code. whereas even 1 is 3’s parent.

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Ok , now i understand , means this parent wala kaam only works in case of tree , right ?


Yes it works for tree only…how will you define LCA for graphs??

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LMAO , , ,no no I know that , but thanks .