Help needed in Circular RMQ (to understand weird behaviour)

Hello there, I am struggling to understand a piece of code. The question is Circular RMQ. My solution 1xLDk5 - Online C++0x Compiler & Debugging Tool - here gives WA. But just modifying the update and query function as the code below gives correct answer. Please anyone tell me what is happening here ?

void update(ll node, ll low,ll high,ll l, ll r, ll val){
		tree[node] += marked[node];
		if(low !=high){
			marked[2*node] += marked[node];
			marked[2*node+1] += marked[node];	
		marked[node] = 0;
	if(r<l) return;
	if(low ==l && high == r){
		tree[node]+= val;
		if(low != high){
			marked[2*node] += val;
			marked[2*node+1] += val;	
	ll mid = (low+high)/2;
	tree[node] = min(tree[2*node],tree[2*node+1]);
ll query(ll node, ll low, ll high, ll l, ll r){
		tree[node] += marked[node];
		if(low !=high){
			marked[2*node] += marked[node];
			marked[2*node+1] += marked[node];	
		marked[node] = 0;
	if(r<l) return inf;
	if(low == l && high == r){
		return tree[node];
	ll mid = (low+high)/2;
	ll left = query(2*node,low,mid,l,min(r,mid));
	ll right = query(2*node+1,mid+1,high,max(mid+1,l),r);
	return min(left,right);