Help needed in Matched Brackets 2 (ZCO12003)

Hi everyone,
I have coded the following solution for the aforementioned problem, yet only 4 of the total 14 test cases pass upon submission. It works for all the test cases given in the problem description.

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	int N, v;
	scanf("%d", &N);
	int maxDepth = 0, depth = 0; // alternating depth variables
	int prevOpen = 0, prevClose = 0; // previous opening or closing character 
	int pDepth = 0, bDepth = 0; // depth of parenthesis () and depth of square brackets []
	int maxPWidth = 0, pPos = 0; // variables for calculating maximum width
	int maxBWidth = 0, bPos = 0;    
	for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
	    scanf("%d", &v);
	    switch (v) {
	        case 1: case 3:
	            // ( or [ with their respective depths as 0
	            // then save that starting pos
	            if (v == 1) {
	                if (!pDepth)
	                    pPos = i;
	            } else {
	                if (!bDepth)
	                    bPos = i;
	            // calculate max alternating depth
	            if (v != prevOpen)
	                maxDepth = max(++depth, maxDepth), prevOpen = v;
            case 2: case 4:
                // ) or ] is encountered and their respective depths are 0
                // compare that width with their respective max widths
                if (v == 2) {
                    if (!pDepth) 
                        maxPWidth = max(i-pPos+1, maxPWidth);
                } else {
                    if (!bDepth)
                        maxBWidth = max(i-bPos+1, maxBWidth);
                // alternate depth calculation
                if (v != prevClose)
                    --depth, prevClose = v;
                if (!depth) // reset these variables for the next set of brackets starting at depth 0
                    prevOpen = prevClose = 0;
	printf("%d %d %d", maxDepth, maxPWidth, maxBWidth);
	return 0;

I can’t think of any corner cases for this specific problem, actually stuck.
Help/Suggestions on the above code would be really appreciated.