[HELP NEEDED] - Why is my code getting a SIGSEGV error for FLIPCOIN problem?

Here is the problem link - FLIPCOIN Problem - CodeChef

Ideone link for my solution - http://ideone.com/fhJYGT

I am getting similar errors on the other problems related to segment tree that I’ve tried.I don’t know what it is though I tried hard to figure it out. Please help me by looking at my code and telling me where am I going wrong and what can be done to correct it .I know what a SIGSEGV error is.

Here's my code 

using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;

int *seg,*lazy;int n,q;
int arr[100005];
void build(int low , int high , int pos)
if(low==high)seg[pos] = arr[low];
int mid = (low+high)>>1;
build(low , mid , pos<<1);
build(mid+1 , high , (pos<<1)+1);
seg[pos] = seg[pos<<1] + seg[2*pos+1];

void update(int low , int high , int qlow , int qhigh , int pos)
	seg[pos] = (high-low+1) - seg[pos];
		lazy[pos>>1] = 1-lazy[pos>>1];
		lazy[2*pos+1] = 1 - lazy[2*pos+1];
	lazy[pos] = 0;

if(qlow>high ||qhigh<low)return; //NO OVERLAP

if(low<=qlow && high<=qhigh)
seg[pos] = (high - low +1) - seg[pos];
	lazy[pos<<1] = 1-lazy[pos<<1];
	lazy[2*pos+1] = 1-lazy[2*pos+1];
int mid = (low+high)>>1;
update(low , mid , qlow , qhigh , pos<<1);
update(mid+1 , high , qlow , qhigh , 2*pos+1);

seg[pos] = seg[pos<<1]+seg[2*pos+1];

int query(int low , int high , int qlow , int qhigh , int pos)
 if(qlow>high || qhigh<low)return 0;
 	seg[pos] = (high -low+1) - seg[pos];
 		lazy[pos<<1] = 1-lazy[pos<<1];
 		lazy[2*pos+1] = 1-lazy[2*pos+1];
	 lazy[pos] = 0;
 if(low>=qlow && high<=qhigh)return seg[pos];
 int mid = (low+high)>>1;
 int sum1 = query(low , mid , qlow , qhigh , pos<<1);
 int sum2 = query(mid+1 , high , qlow , qhigh , 2*pos+1);
 return sum1+sum2;

void initseg(){
int ht = ceil(log2(n)),i;
int size = (pow(2,ht)*2)+5;
seg	= new int[size];
lazy= new int[size];
	seg[i] = 0;
	lazy[i] =0;

int main(){

	int op , a , b;
		update(0 , n-1 , a , b , 1);
		cout<<query(0 , n-1 , a, b , 1)<<endl;
return 0;

Try adding a return statement when (low > high) in your query and update functions. I believe this should be the first line in both the functions. When low=high, the call made to the segment (mid+1,high) is most probably the reason for the error.
Here’s my submission:
CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone