HELP required in Coin change problem vs Ways to sum to N using array elements with repetition allowed

How are the coin change change problem and Ways to sum to N using array elements with repetition allowed giving different answers based on ordering of elements in the subset.

Both of the questions are one and the same except for a slightly different way of framing the problem. Which test case ended up giving different answers?


in the coin change order of coins does not matter while in summation problem order does matter.
eg for arr={1,2,3} and k=3
coin change output = 3
summation output = 4

Don’t you have your answer right there? If the order doesn’t matter {1, 1, 2} and {1, 2, 1} and {2, 1, 1} are counted as 1. If the order matters there are counted as 3. What is your doubt?

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I am confused how is interchanging the loops giving results based on order.