Help to get inputs

I am getting NZEC runtime error when i run my code in code chef editor in first line of code.
line is following,
T = int(input())
but i don’t get error in my local cmd.
for full code visit CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

Hi, The recursion limit should be set while using DFS or recursion in general it will give RE.
Added this to your code and got AC:

Added this

import sys

AC Code

Also you have to output answer Modulo 1000000007

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Thank you so much.
I pass my sample test case but during submission got wrong answer…
Can you help me…??
code is here CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

Instead of doing Mod at end, do at every step because in between the multiplication result will overflow so we have to use modular arithmetic property:

a = b * c
a%MOD = (b%MOD * c%MOD)%MOD

So instead of doing this alone,
comb % 1000000007

we do this too,
(count * comb)%1000000007

to avoid overflow

thank you so much…
:blush: :blush: