How do I write a problem for others to solve?

How do I write a problem for others to solve?

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Hello @nolannolan

To write a problem for others to solve, first, clearly define the specific issue, providing relevant context and background information. State the objective and desired outcome, and specify any constraints or limitations. Outline criteria for success and include any pertinent data. Avoid ambiguity and encourage creative thinking. Provide contact information for clarification, test the problem with a small group for feedback, and then review and revise the statement for clarity and accuracy. Once satisfied, publish and share the problem with the intended audience through suitable channels. A well-crafted problem statement is crucial for inspiring innovative solutions.

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Thanks :ok_hand: :+1:

Yes but what does (Pre-requisite(s) required to solve the problem) mean

Pre-requisites mean the concepts one need to know, say basic math or binary search or arrays etc.

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