How to change my CodeChef user name

Yesss. Please codechef, listen to us, and developed this feature.


Unfortunately you can’t change your Username.

Yes, Please introduce this feature to change our name.

please provide one-time user name modification facility like Codeforces & Atoder.

Naah there’s no way. U have to stick with current user name :wink:

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Kindly provide username change feature or merge account facility.
At least do something !

Sorry! but Codechef doesn’t care about user need and suggestion, whether it is for taking action against plag. or user rename features.
That’s why CodeForces is the best.


This post was created in April 2012, and after 9 Years of development and revolution in Technology, CodeChef, which is that popular, can’t provide userName change functionality.

I request the CodeChef team to hire a good candidate for this website development and provide this functionality ASAP.


I can’t believe this post was created in 2012 and Codechef didn’t even provide such a simple and necessary feature.

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Yes @admin i want to change my user name too please provide once time user name modification like codeforces

yes, codechef doesn’t care to update its features or include dark theme in its website.

In a word, codechef has a don’t care attitude towarsa updating website features.

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I need to change my username.
Hey ignorant @admin are you capable of adding this feature? Just reply with a simple yes or no.

This post is running since April 2012 & you @admin, you have failed horribly to provide such a simple solution & most importantly to look after your fellow website user’s demands.

@admin This is an head-on unacceptable behaviour, just ignoring our requests then why have you created this blog posting??? Just so that we can bark along and you @admin sit there doing nothing but warming your chair?

Is this what you’re capable of ? Yea, it seems you can do nothing more that.

WHAT A SHAME @admin !!!


No need to be rude. There must be a valid reason for this.


If you bothered reading the very first reply to this thread, you’ll have your simple answer.


Yes we can change it but you’ll lose your hole data from code chef.
If you delete your account and create new one on same email id then we can change our username.

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Can we change username in pro mod


@admin Please introduce the renaming of username feature…please

I also need the same , I want change username please provide some feature.