How to get stars !?

Hi there,
I am new to this codechef platform and have just started the practice sections. I was curious to know how this star and rating system works in simple language. How can I achieve my first star as a coder.?

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@himanshukumar You get stars from participating in contests which are generally held every week on Wednesdays. The higher the rating the more stats on your profile.

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Actively participate in the Contest held every Wednesday. Initially, it takes time but one day your hard work will be paid off.


Easy: just participate in contests every Wednesday. As you solve questions in the contest, your rating will start to increase along with the stars. For the first 5 rated contests, your rating will be a provisional rating.

@himanshukumar You need to participate in contests. As you achieve a good or high rating, you will earn a star.

For getting stars you need to complete contest problems.


Just participate in contests every wednesday, and give your time for it. That’s it! Your hardwork will definitely pay off!!

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participate in every week wednesday contest
and don’t copy the answers from chatgpt and get stars

How we will get to know that this contest is going on this site ??

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