Problem Link - Count Beautiful Pairs in Hashing
Problem Statement:
You have an array A of N integers. A pair of indices(i,j)
is called Beautiful if A_i = A_j^2 and 1≤i<j≤N.
Count the number of Beautiful Pairs in the given array. Your task is to do it in O(N)
time complexity using Hash array.
1. Hash Array Initialization:
- Initialize a hash array
of size 10,001 (to cover all possible values of A[i] from 1 to 10,001) to count occurrences of each number.
2. Counting Beautiful Pairs:
- Iterate through each element of the array:
- For each element A[i], calculate its square A[i] * A[i].
- Check if this square is less than the maximum size of the hash array (to prevent overflow).
- If it is present, add the count of occurrences of A[i]^2 from the hash array to the result.
- Update the hash array with the current element A[i].
- Time Complexity:
Iterate through the whole array to compute the hash. - Space Complexity:
is the size of the hash array declared. Here we have used the hash size of10^4
. So space complexity will beO(M)-> O(10^4)