I am getting an error in the code

Problem Code: LADDU

my code in python is:

link text

In the problem,you just need to find out how many laddus the contestant earn and then, the answer is simply the floor division (laddus/minimum) where, minimum = 200 if INDIAN, else 400

I’m soon adding code…

Feel free to ask anything…

Have a look at rectified code here

There were three errors in your code

On line 15 and on line 19, in place of li[1], there ought to be l2[1]

last line, print statement indentation was wrong…

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I have attached a link to my code in the question, that’s what I have done in the code. I don’t understand why I get an error.


I have made solution for this problem right now, and it has worked (java)

Till that time, I’m having a look at your code…


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I am completely new to programming and I have just started learning to code using python. It would be great if you can find the mistake in my code…I do not know Java as of now.

Found :slight_smile:
Check answer below…

By the way, I too wanna learn python… :slight_smile:


thank you very much…this was my first code on codechef…it was a silly mistake

Please Accept my answer, as doubts are clear now…

It’s never too late to make mistakes…

But it’s important to learn from them, and to repeat them… :slight_smile:

Feel free to ask me anything…