I m am getting runtime error (Time Limit Exceeded) in my code

i think there is some mistake in while loop and because of which this code is taking more than 5 seconds. an you help me figure out where i went wrong with this code.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <set>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;

// it checks whether there is a value present in multiset in the range [x,2x]
long int check_bound(multiset S, long int X)

    multiset<long int>::iterator it1, it2;
    it1 = S.lower_bound(X);
    it2 = S.upper_bound(2 * X);
    long int ans;

    if (it1 != it2)
        ans = *(it2);

        ans = -1;

    return ans;

int main()
    // your code goes here
    int T;
    cin >> T;
    for (int k = 0; k < T; k++)
        int N;
        long int x;
        long int temp;
        long long int days = 0;
        short int honesty = 0;
        multiset<long int> s;
        multiset<long int>::iterator itr, itr1, itr2;

        scanf("%d", &N);
        scanf("%ld", &x);

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            scanf("%ld", &temp);
        } // adding all population entries into multiset

        while (honesty != 1)
            // <A>  // when set is empty i.e no countries left to cure
            if (s.size() == 0)        
                honesty = 1;

            // <B>   // set has some ocuntris to cure
                itr = s.end();

                // <0>
                if (x >= *(itr))
                {                 // if X is greter than country with highest population
                    days = N;     // then it needs just N days
                    honesty = 1;

                // <1>
                    // <1.1>
                    if (days == 0) // x is less than largerst population on first day
                    {              // so using that country to grow number of cures
                        temp = *itr;
                        if ((temp - x) * 2 >= temp)

                            s.insert((temp - x) * 2);

                    // <1.2>
                        itr = s.end();
                        long int z;
                        z = check_bound(s, x); // stores most populous country value in range [x,2x]

                        // <2>
                        if (z != -1)
                            // <2.1>
                            if (z == *itr)
                            {                           // that is if largest pop... falls in range of [x, 2x]
                                days = days + s.size(); // required days is equal to number of countries in set currently
                                honesty = true;

                            // <2.2>
                                x = z;        // as z no. of cures will be used this day
                                s.erase(itr); // as entire population will get cured
                                honesty = false;
                        }    // end of <2>

                        // <3>          when nothing found in set in the range [x,2x]
                        else  {

                            // <3.1> 
                            if ( *(itr) > 2*x) {    // highest popu... country in set is greater than 2 times of x (cures used in prev day)
                                temp = *(itr) ;     // storing that popula... in temp var
                                s.erase(itr) ;
                                x = x*2 ;           // as we will use 2*x cures today to treat highest popul... country
                                if ( (temp - x)*2 > temp ){
                                    s.insert(temp) ;

                                else {
                                    s.insert( (temp -x)*2 ) ;
                                days++ ;
                                honesty = 0 ;


                            // <3.2>
                            else {             // highst pop... is either equal or less than 2*x
                                days = days + s.size() ;
                                honesty = 1 ;
                        }    // end of <3>
                }    // end of <1>
            }    // end of <B>
        } // end of while loop

    } // TEstcase loop ends here

    return 0;