ICPC Amritapuri Online Round Fee 900INR or 1062INR?

The Amritapuri website is showing that their registration fee for the online round is 900INR, but when we go the link of payment it shows 1062INR. What is this about? Taxes, Online Payment Charges or anything else?

IT is 18 persent GST on RS 900.

:sweat::sweat: \hspace{0mm} \hspace{0mm}

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@utkd52 Can you please provide the payment details link of amritapuri site :slight_smile:

Hey, here is the link for Amritapuri Site

@akash19jain But they said that the payment details will be updated soon . Where did you find this link in icpc amritapuri site ?

Gwalior/Pune site is only saying to send 900INR, isn’t tax applicable on that too? @grg124

@utkd52 While paying for amritapuri site , whose details must we provide ?

@harish_49 https://payments.acrd.org.in/pay/event/amr201920007 here it is. You can read at the bottom about that!

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@utkd52 How can we know the status of our payment for amritapuri