If you are in College, Watch this!


This post is for all the students who are out there and have just entered their colleges/universities after high school. No one shares what exactly it takes to be successful at the end of your graduation and what are the key areas you should focus on.

Here are 6 mistakes engineering students make in their college life. You can watch the video here.

I have given in a lot of my time to just help out students. It would be great if you could help me in spreading this around.

Hope this helped :slight_smile:


Awesome points to note!


Convex Hull!

@rachitiitr If possible make more videos on Graph Algorithms, And yeah DP on trees series was great! :slight_smile:


This post is for all the students who are out there and have just entered their colleges/universities after high school. No one shares what exactly it takes to be successful at the end of your graduation and what are the key areas you should focus on.

Here are 6 mistakes engineering students make in their college life. You can watch the video here.

I have given in a lot of my time to just help out students. It would be great if you could help me in spreading this around.

Hope this helped :slight_smile:

Thanks mosij

Let me know guys what topics you want me to make a video about! I will definitely take that as input and work on them.


convex hull trick also please :slight_smile:

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Thanks nilesh

Thanks for comments, I will try working on them.

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