Problem Statement
Hashing is used to solve very complicated problems. Hashing also makes searching easy. Hashing means x % y. You have to select the integer such that when every element is modulus with that integer then the chances to easily identify every element will be maximum.
You are given a list of integers and you have to select the minimum integer from the list such that there would be as many as less collision possible. A collision occurs when elements yield the same modulus on different elements of the list.
Input Format
First-line contains N’s value, the number of elements in a list.
Second-line contains the space-separated value of array
1<N<= 10³
• 1 <= arr[i]<= 10³
Output Format
• Print the value of X, the integer that satisfies less collision.
Evaluation Parameter
Sample Input
54 32 7 21 6
Sample Output
Elements with a list of unique values achieved when other elements get modulus with it:
• For 54-{0, 32, 7,21,6}
For 32-{22,0,7, 21,6}
For 7-{5,4,0,6)
For 21- {12, 11,7,0,6}
• For 6-{0,2,1,3}
Among all four 54, 32, and 21 can be used to reduce collision. Among all these three elements 21 is the smallest.
2 seconds