Invitation to CodeChef November Long Challenge 2020

We invite you to participate in CodeChef’s November Long Challenge, this Friday, 6th November, from 15:00 IST onwards.

The contest will be open for 10 days i.e. until 16th November.

Also, if you have some original and engaging problem ideas, and you’re interested in them being used in CodeChef’s contests, you can share them here.

Joining me on the problem setting panel are:


Top 20 performers in the Indian category and top 10 performers in the Global category will get CodeChef laddus, with which the winners can claim cool CodeChef goodies. First to solve each problem except challenge - 100 laddus. Know more here

The video editorials of the problems will be available on our YouTube channel as soon as the contest ends. Subscribe to get notifications about our new editorials.

Good Luck!

Hope to see you participating!!

Happy Programming !!


I am in div1, if I solve a div2 question(which is not in div1), will I be considered to have participated in the contest, i.e. would this have any effect on my ratings?

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The video editorials to the problems are uploaded on Youtube

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Good questions this time @alei @admin , with persistent segment trees, polynomials and min-cut max flow even in div 2. Hope to see the questions with same difficulty even in next contest.

How to perform well at long challenge, can we get some tips from the master

general feedback on the problems: An unexpected solutions month – aleigorithms