Invitation to CodeChef Starters 154 (Rated upto 6 stars) - 2nd October

We invite you to participate in CodeChef’s Starters 154, this Wednesday, 2nd October, rated up to 6 stars (i.e. for users with a rating < 2500)

Time: 8:00 PM — 10:00 PM IST

Joining us on the problem setting panel are:

Written editorials will be available for all on Pro users can find the editorials directly on the problem pages after the contest. The video editorials of the problems will be available only to Pro users.

Also, if you have some original and engaging problem ideas, and you’re interested in them being used in CodeChef’s contests, you can share them here.
Hope to see you participating.

Good Luck!

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In Triangle Count (Easy) :
For the testcase
5 2 4
I find total 6 numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 that could be x so why ans is expected to be 7?

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You can choose any pair of numbers in the list
Choosing 5 and 2: X could be 4,5,6
Choosing 2 and 4: X could be 3,4,5
Choosing 5 and 4: X could be 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
So, the number of distinct X is 7 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

2 is also possible. with 4 and 5.

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You can check my video editorials of Count Winning Subarrays and Tree Cut Xor if needed

Coders can check my video tutorials for
Problem Add Game 1 or 2 on youtube with this video id watch?v=KLN_kJCHiww&t=347s and Problem GCD and XOR with this video id watch?v=E3k0Q1JxG3Q ,
i have tried to make very simple and intuitive solutions for them

There are many cheaters in div 3 3rd question which is gcd and xor codechef please take some action against them