Invitation to CodeChef Starters 160 (Rated upto 5 stars) - 13th November

Update: The contest has been postponed for 30minutes and will now start at 8:30 PM IST due to a technical error. We apologize for any conveniences.

We invite you to participate in CodeChef’s Starters 160 , this Wednesday, 13th November, rated up to 5 stars (i.e. for users with a rating < 2200)

Time: 8:30 PM — 10:30 PM IST

Joining us on the problem setting panel are:

Written editorials will be available for all on . Pro users can find the editorials directly on the problem pages after the contest. The video editorials of the problems will be available only to Pro users.

Also, if you have some original and engaging problem ideas, and you’re interested in them being used in CodeChef’s contests, you can share them here .

Hope to see you participating.

Good Luck!

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Make contest as rated for 6 stars. since more than 14 days there is no contest for 6 stars

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@adarsh555 once please check out my problem in starters 159 c i am wrongly flagged i posted officials but didn’t get reply there i have prove that i did my contest myself please check out once my all codes

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