Code Can’t lie. Comments Can.
Greetings from Dot Slash Community!

This Gandhi Jayanti Dot Slash Community presents you a platform to enhance and show your coding skills:woman_technologist:. Tighten your seatbelts and be prepared with your skillset ‘Coz it’s high time for Fall For Code 2.0 where the champions will thrive but only a few will survive.
Testers: @sarthak_eddy,@huzaifa06,@fyter_112.
Contest link:- Contest link
Date:- 2nd October 2019
Time:- 21:30 - 00:00 IST
Contest duration:- 2.5 hrs⏳
Number of questions:- 7(of varying difficulty)
Prizes:- Top 3 global winners will get 250 Codechef ladoos.
Meanwhile, you can have a look at our previous contest, Fall For Code 1.0.
Contact us: or (+91) 9554630599 (Saurabh Yadav).