Is Codehard rated?

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I tried to be polite, but now I won’t be. Time to give some tough love.
I tagged you and asked the question very early in the contest , but 2 hours went by and you didn’t reply, don’t you have the responsibility as a setter to reply a comment ?
I wish you guys improve on it as its very disappointing .

No-where, in the problem statement was mentioned that “we have to reverse both the numbers” till 20 minutes before the contest ended!! .You can see the amount of WAs due to this problem in the contest. I am not blind, I was there in the contest, and I know what was the problem statement for 1 hour,20 minutes, it would be better if you guys at-least replied as they do in codeforces. Responsibility and management are very important. I am out of this discussion now.

If these things are not taken care of next time, sadly I’ll have to report these things to Codechef :frowning:

Did an amazing job reporting my post so that community members won’t be able to see who is at fault…

When you are hosting a contest on codechef, you must be aware that thousands of programmers all over the world will participate in it. Isn’t it a big responsibility to make problem with all the clarity it can have? The problem indeed has many ambiguities. Even input is described as “first line is test cases followed by testcases, each line containg two numbers”. Just see the description other problems have on codechef. It shows that you spent a very little time preparing problem and did not even proof read it. Don’t you think it is your fault?


This isn’t exactly replying to comments on time in short contests. :upside_down_face:
Though the problem ideas were good, what messed them up were the vague problem statements. For example, in the question RPH001 a lot of people got unnecessary time penalties(including myself) as it was not mentioned whether to reverse the second string or not and whether to print the leading zeroes. Even though it is understood that the check for the leading zeroes was a considerable edge case for the question, but due to the vague problem statement, many people considered that printing 003 was the same as printing 3 as both of them are integers with similar value in the decimal number system. The problem RHSAT also had wrong constraints for n throughout the contest. Even that cost me a few unnecessary penalties during the contest. I hope that the next (and all future contests) are better than this one and the mistakes are not repeated. :slightly_smiling_face:


You can see how the community is responding to you as of now…and I plead all of you guys to please read his this comment and give him the credit :-
The problems were updated within 5 mins of the starting of contest and tested correctly. Moreover the output clearly states that we expect integer format, so you can’t blame us if you yourself didn’t read question carefully.
Moreover integer of 003 is 3 so if you print it that ways it’s obviously your fault."

Yes, he is not at fault at all. We are at fault
He is the best setter Codechef could ever have.


I am sorry for the problem rhsat but we updated the constraints and rejudged the solution as soon as we found the mistake. And I believe that was in the first few mins of the contest, and we are sorry for that.
But please understand that for a setter a problem always appears to have been set from his point of view, so we got testers to check the problems but still minor mistakes got ignored which we corrected in first few mins of the contest.

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