Is working fine?

Is the website down or something today? I am not able to Run my code on it, it is nt even showing space for std input.

ideone is certainly frustrating some times. I shifted to codetable. You can have a try.

Its working fine now not sure if it has a problem earlier, Link of the code I tried.

Sometimes clearing my browser’s cache and then reloading helps. Although the site is very dramatic today!!!

Currently it is working fine, but yes i has issues few days back as it was returning 5xx internal error…!

Clean Your Browsers History. delete Your Unwanted saved codes in and delete your browsers cache … i think now it work fine !! :smiley:
Cheers !

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clearing history helped, thanks guys! :smiley:

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Is the website down again?

I cannot edit any code and new code redirects to!!!