Java assignment

Hi, I am completing an assignment and when I got run my code I keep running into these errors //AssertionError// and //InputMismatched//So im basically building a code that runs like minecraft. It has to register new items. Such as finding something in a chest. I personally am rather new to using java so any support that can be given is greatly appreciated.

Here is the original code below
package edu.odu.cs.cs330.items;

import java.util.Scanner;


  • This class represents one piece of armour–as found in most video games.

  • This includes boots and helmets.

  • Armour may not be stacked. All Constructors must initialize Item::stackable

  • to false.
    public class Armour extends Item {

    protected int durability; ///< decreases each time the armour is used
    protected int defense; ///< damage that is blocked
    protected String material; ///< material out of which the armour is composed
    protected String modifier; ///< one of protection, feather_falling, or unbreaking
    protected int modiferLevel; ///< modifier level in the range 1 to 3
    protected String element; ///< associated element–e.g., ice, fire, and lightning.


    • Default to a armour with an empty name.
      public Armour()
      // Make the necessary call to super(…)

      this.durability = 0;
      this.defense = 0;
      this.material = “”;
      this.modifier = “”;
      this.modiferLevel = 1;
      this.element = “”;


    • This is the Copy Constructor.
      public Armour(Armour src)
      // Make the necessary call to super(…)

      this.durability = src.durability;
      this.defense = src.defense;
      this.material = src.material;
      this.modifier = src.modifier;
      this.modiferLevel = src.modiferLevel;
      this.element = src.element;


    • Retrieve armour durability.
      public int getDurability()
      return this.durability;


    • Set armour durability.
      public void setDurability(int durability)
      this.durability = durability;


    • Retrieve armour defense.
      public int getDefense()
      return this.defense;


    • Set armour defense.
      public void setDefense(int defense)
      this.defense = defense;


    • Retrieve armour Material.
      public String getMaterial()
      return this.material;


    • Set armour Material.
      public void setMaterial(String m)
      this.material = m;


    • Retrieve armour Modifier.
      public String getModifier()
      return this.modifier;


    • Set armour Modifier.
      public void setModifier(String m)
      this.modifier = m;


    • Retrieve armour Modifier Level.
      public int getModifierLevel()
      return this.modiferLevel;


    • Set armour Modifier Level.
      public void setModifierLevel(int level)
      this.modiferLevel = level;


    • Retrieve armour Element.
      public String getElement()
      return this.element;


    • Set armour Element.
      public void setElement(String e)
      this.element = e;


    • Read Armour attributes.
      public void read(Scanner s)
      { =;

      // Read in the remaining values


    • Clone–i.e., copy–this Armour.
      public Item clone()
      return null;


    • Print one Armour.
      public String toString()
      return “This Is A Placeholder”;

This codes listed under with the error message correlate with the code above

.items.TestArmour > testClone FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at

//* public Item clone()
return new Armour(this)
items.TestArmour > testCopyConstructor FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at

public Armour(Armour src)
// Make the necessary call to super(…)
super (, true);
this.durability = src.durability;
this.defense = src.defense;
this.material = src.material;
this.modifier = src.modifier;
this.modiferLevel = src.modiferLevel;
this.element = src.element;

items.TestArmour > testDefaultConstructor PASSED

items.TestArmour > testRead FAILED
java.util.InputMismatchException at

* Read Armour attributes.
public void read(Scanner s)
{ =;
this.durability = s.nextInt();
this.defense = s.nextInt();
this.material =;
this.modifier =;
this.modiferLevel = s.nextInt();
this.element =;
// Read in the remaining values
~ | 27 }
items.TestArmour > testToString FAILED
java.lang.AssertionError at

public String toString()
return " Nme: " + + “\n”
+ " Dur: " + this.durability + “\n”
+ " Def: " + this.defense + “\n”
+ " Mtl: " + this.material + “\n”
+ " Mdr: " + this.modifier + "(Lvl " + this.modiferLevel + “)” + “\n”
+ " Emt: " + this.element + “\n”;

This is clearly an assignment question where the answers are being matched against a set of expected output.
Unless and until you share the full code, the question, the expected output, it is virtually impossible to help you.

thank you for explaining the best way to figure a solution. I updated it.