Java do-while conditions is not working

Hello everyone,

I have a main class ( where I have asking to introduce some values using JOptionPane method.
In the second class(, I use the value entered to provide an answer.
So, in the main class I use JOptionPane to introduce an String value

The answer should be si or SI or Si, etc (yes). This value is sent to a SETTER in a second class, the setter name is config_seats(String asientos_cuero) which receive teh string value

Here is the method:

mifurgoneta.config_seats(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(“Tiene asientos de cuero”));

here is my setter

public void config_seats(String asientos_cuero)


			if (asientos_cuero.equalsIgnoreCase("si") ||  asientos_cuero.equalsIgnoreCase("s"))
			this.asientos_cuero = true;
			this.asientos_cuero = false;
	//}while(!asientos_cuero.equalsIgnoreCase("si") ||  !asientos_cuero.equalsIgnoreCase("s"));

So my question is:
How can I use a do-while in order to repeat the code if I introduce a wrong value different to (si or SI or Si)?
The condition IF only handles the case sensitive for the anwer “si” but I think I need do - while in case I introduce any other character like wrong character “sdjdjsdh” or numbers “17261” or cancel.

Then, when I use the do-while the program doesn’t print the value and keep runing without any action. It is like I can not validate something coming from another class

Here you have the complete code

main class
package poo;

import javax.swing.*;

public class maincoche {

public static void main(String[] args) {
	// TODO Auto-generated method stub
	//sintaxis   clase + name_oF_object + new constructor
	coche micoche1 =  new coche();
	//sintaxis   clase + name_oF_object + new constructor
	furgoneta mifurgoneta = new furgoneta(7,1000);
	mifurgoneta.establece_color(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Cual es el color :"));
	mifurgoneta.config_seats(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Tiene asientos de cuero"));
	coche micoche = new coche();
	micoche.establece_color(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Introduce color")); 


	micoche.config_seats(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Tiene asientos de cuero?"));
	micoche.conf_climatizador(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Tiene climatizador?"));



second class
package poo;

public class coche {

//the key private encapsula las propiedades para que no sean modificadas desde otra calse
private int ruedas;
private int largo;
private int ancho;
private int motor;
private int peso_plataforma;

private String color1;

private String color;
private int peso_total;
boolean asientos_cuero, climatizador;

public coche()

//metodo getter obtain value propertie  
//sintaxis es Public + tipodedato + nameofmethod() + usa return
public String  provide_generaldata()
	return "El coche tiene: " + ruedas + " ruedas" + " Con un largo de " + largo/1000 + 
			" metros " + " y peso de " + peso_plataforma + " kg";

//method setter
public void set_color()
	color1= "rojo";

//method getter
public String provide_color()
	return "El color is: " + color1;

//setters modifica valor propiedades
//sintaxis public+void+nombre_method no  usa return

public void establece_color(String color_coche)

//method getter
public String dime_color()
	return "El color del coche es : " + color;

public void config_seats(String asientos_cuero)

			if (asientos_cuero.equalsIgnoreCase("si") ||  asientos_cuero.equalsIgnoreCase("s"))
			this.asientos_cuero = true;
			this.asientos_cuero = false;
	//}while(!asientos_cuero.equalsIgnoreCase("si") ||  !asientos_cuero.equalsIgnoreCase("s"));

public String get_asientos()
	if(asientos_cuero==true) {
		return "el coche tiene asientos de cuero";
	else {
		return "no tiene cuero";

public void conf_climatizador(String climatizador) {
	if(climatizador.equalsIgnoreCase("si") || climatizador.equalsIgnoreCase("s"))
		this.climatizador = true;
		this.climatizador = false;

public String get_climatizador()
	if(climatizador==true) {
		return "el coche tiene climatizador";
		return "no tiene climatizador";

I am really appreciate your support



I think there will be a semi colon after while

thanks for your update. There is a semicolon. Without it, the compiler giev an error
I am opened for another idea :slight_smile: