LazyPay Java Question Runtime Error & TLE

This is a past hiring challenge LazyPay Java Developer Hiring Challenge 2019

Question :
Tree Play

Given a tree with N vertices and N - 1 edges. Every vertex has stone piles kept on them given on them given by array Stones. Bob and Alex plays game of Q rounds. In each round piles in path from vertex u to v are considered. Both of them play in alternate turns. In each turns, a player can choose only one pile and remove any number of stones (at least one) from that pile.The player who cannot move is considered to lose the game. Bob always start first, Print winner after every round if both of them play optimally.

First line : N,Q, no. of vertices and no. of round respectively
Second line : N integers defining array stones.
Next N-1 lines : u and v, meaning there is an edge between vertex u and u.
Next Q lines : u and v for i^{th} round.

For each round print winner as Alex or Bob in new line.


1 \leq N, Q \leq 2 \times 10^5
1 \leq u, v \leq N
1 \leq Stones_i \leq 10^5

Sample Input
8 \> 4
2 \> 3 \> 4 \> 4 \> 2 \> 3 \> 2 \> 1
1 \> 2
1 \> 3
2 \> 4
2 \> 5
5 \> 6
6 \> 7
4 \> 8
3 \> 6
4 \> 4
1 \> 6
4 \> 7

Sample Output



For round two there is only one pile containing 4 stones. Bob will pick up all the stones and winds the game as Alex can’t pick up further.

Time limit : 1 sec.

I found out clearly this is nim game Combinatorial Game Theory | Set 2 (Game of Nim) - GeeksforGeeks

My approach :

So I have to just xor the values of each nodes in the path and check whether it is zero or not. If it is 0 then Alex win otherwise Bob.

I am getting Runtime error in many case and TLE in others. I don’t understand what is wrong in my code.

My Solution :

    static class Pair {
        boolean isPath;  //  whether the path exits or not
        int xor;  // xor value
        Pair(boolean isPath, int xor) {  // Constructor
            this.isPath = isPath;
            this.xor = xor;
    static class Graph {
        int V;
        LinkedList<Integer>[] adj;
        int[] val;
        Graph(int V) {
            this.V = V;
            adj = new LinkedList[V + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i <= V; ++i) {
                adj[i] = new LinkedList<>();
            val = new int[V + 1];

        void addEdge(int u, int v) {  // undirected graph edges u to v and backedge v to u

        Pair DepthFirstSearch(int s, int d, boolean[] visited) {
            visited[s] = true;

            if(s == d) {
                return new Pair(true, val[s]);  // is we reach destination then return Pair(path exits , value of the path)

            for (int i = 0; i < adj[s].size(); ++i) {  // calling on adjacency list
                if(!visited[adj[s].get(i)]) {
                    Pair temp = DepthFirstSearch(adj[s].get(i), d, visited);
                    if(temp.isPath) {
                        return new Pair(true , temp.xor ^ val[s]);  // xor the current node value with every child node value in path

            return new Pair(false, 0); // path does not exits 

        boolean DFS(int s, int d) {  // dfs from source to destination
            boolean[] traversed = new boolean[V + 1];  // visited array
            Pair p = DepthFirstSearch(s, d, traversed);  // calling dfs
            return p.xor == 0;  // if xor value is 0 or not

8 4
2 3 4 4 2 3 2 1
1 2
1 3
2 4
2 5
5 6
6 7
4 8
3 6
4 4
1 6
4 7

static class Code {

    private void solve(InputReader in, OutputWriter out) {
        int n = in.readInt();  // number of vertices in tree
        int query = in.readInt();  // number of query
        Graph graph = new Graph(n);  // initialize tree with n nodes
        for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
            graph.val[i] = in.readInt();  // initialize value of each node
        for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
            graph.addEdge(in.readInt(), in.readInt());  // add edges

        for(int i = 0; i < query; ++i) {
            if(graph.DFS(in.readInt(), in.readInt())) {  
            else {
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you have to use LCA(lowest common ancestor) in log(n)

first, precompute the xor-sum form root to that node using DFS then in queries compute LCA of the two nodes.

nim = xorsum[u] ^ xorsum[v] ^ stones[lca(u,v)]

now use nim game concept.

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More than a year late, but nevertheless, I came across this problem while giving a test for a company on HackerEarth. I tried going by this approach, all my sample test cases along with some random custom inputs passed, but on submission I still encountered the same errors stated above. How is one supposed to solve this problem in a better complexity than n*log(n) (since precomputation for lca will be more than log(n)).

Edit: my bad. By mistake i ended up doing the xor precomputation for each query instead of for before queries are called. This should work i guess.