@admin Can we have an official rank list. Which includes people from div1 also. So that we can see our standings.
And One more hypothetical situation -
If a person moves from div2 to div1 after change in ratings of contest. Because LTIME59 will over before end of this contest. Then this person rating will be calculated according to div2 or div1 ??
@vijju123 @admin please confirm the order in which ratings would be updated?
LoC first then lunchtime.
But if someone goes in Div.1 after LOC, and participated in Div.2 in Lunchtime than what will happen in such case?
You seem pretty optimistic 
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Rating change is determined by what was your division while entering the contest (if the rules havent changed since I last confirmed),
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Sir, this optimism is due to the rating predictor!! Thanks for your help!