Long Contest Harsh Reality

Well that was a bad idea though.
Don’t worry you learned a lesson and a fresh start is a good thing :slight_smile:

Bro let them copy. I am sure they will suffer in future.

ok…one last reply (sorry :sweat_smile:)
see, i am in grade eleventh and this is all very new to me (not only CP, but the whole thing)
i started studying python in mid- April and they have only taught us input/output and for loop
i’ve learnt everything else from checking other solutions only. I want to be better at coding and so i use other’s solution to learn various functions

For example, i’ve learnt map() and list() and some modules…
due to lockdown, i was relatively free, that’s why i started codechef this may…

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@wicked_knight Why is this the last reply? I’m sorry if you feel like you don’t belong here because of me. I’ve never mentioned that. The only thing I requested you to do was to not spam and pollute the forum with irrelevant comments. You are more than welcome to help someone/voice out your opinion if it makes sense/ask a question/etc. The problem which I referred to was from INOI’20. Not solvable by beginners but a very simple graph problem (just 2 DFS calls). You said that you’re a beginner. I don’t think that you should even attempt such problems now. Copying code does not help at all. Solve the beginner problems. If you are serious about CP, leave python, and start using C++. But if you prefer python, do the python stuff in Hackerrank (I used to do it). You will learn the basics of python there. Then move on to CodeChef or do it simultaneously (this is better).
On a less serious note, I am in 10th and you are in 11th. So you shouldn’t be taking orders from me! Please use the platform. You have every right to do so.
I apologize for being rude.
Good luck!


sure thing. thanks

damn, since when are you coding? I just started cuz i took python as an elective in 11

your are thinking absolutely right. this happens in every long challenge. I have also seen a video on YouTube in which a guy was saying that there are many discussion groups on telegram where they even gives full solution of questions. i don’t know whether this telegram thing is true or not but sudden increase in submissions in day is quite strange.

A year prolly but CP (seriously) from 3.5 months.

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This guy posted July Challenge questions also