Long int problem!

Not able to use %ld(long int) in a factorial problem…Any idea why it is not acceting nd is there any other method??

Hi @ritish_1082 . Please post the complete code otherwise it is impossible to tell, where your code fails.


Factorials are very large.

0 :  1
1 :  1
2 :  2
3 :  6
4 :  24
5 :  120
6 :  720
7 :  5040
8 :  40320
9 :  362880
10 :  3628800
11 :  39916800
12 :  479001600
13 :  6227020800
14 :  87178291200
15 :  1307674368000
16 :  20922789888000
17 :  355687428096000
18 :  6402373705728000
19 :  121645100408832000
20 :  2432902008176640000
Factorial of 21 will not fit even in Unsigned long long int

You might want to share the problem link too. I tried finding the problem from your recent activity, but there is no related problem.

PS: If you need help, you need to provide the details :slightly_smiling_face:


ahh i understand now where error is coming from. thanks